2019 06 09 june 11 00 am am mad henry s vintage tea room bideford gb at the moment i rsquo ve chosen the 9th june as a tentative date to gauge interest please sign up before monday 13th ma.
Mad henry s tea room bideford.
The style of the restaurant allows full.
2017 06 11 june 3 00 pm am mad henry s vintage tea room bideford gb this event was the most popular ever.
Mad henry s restaurant bideford devon.
Check out tripadvisor members 2 768 candid photos and videos.
We filled our 20 places in only a few hours so i promised a repeat visit.
Mad henrys vintage tea room.
Find the address of the company the phone for communication opening hours feedback from customers and employees as well as other information.
Full information about establishment and cafe mad henrys vintage tea room at riverside cottage guest house new road bideford england ex39 5hb.
You might like to visit the little farmyard and see the goats and miniature donkey or chickens in the.
A bit of background i joined a ladies networking group in january last year as i wanted to mix with likeminded businesswomen meet some people get some support and.
You will be invited into the lovely large lounge and dining room where the authentic ambience of the wartime classics will play softly in the background.
Mad henry s restaurant bideford devon.
The style of the restaurant allows full.
Donna simon welcome you to riverside restaurant rooms formerly mad henry s vintage tea rooms.
As some of you may know i have collaborated with donna henry of mad henry s tea room at riverside cottage 1 mile outside bideford to provide a beauty pamper vintage high tea am sure you can guess which bit i provide.
Donna simon welcome you to riverside restaurant rooms formerly mad henry s vintage tea rooms.
Donna simon welcome you to riverside restaurant rooms formerly mad henry s vintage tea rooms.
Indulge in an infamous mad henry s afternoon tea at riverside bideford north devon.
A bit of background i joined a ladies networking group in january last year as i wanted to mix with likeminded businesswomen meet some people get some support and.
Comfy swivel garden chairs at mad henry s and cream tea.